Wednesday, 4 December 2019


Our public server is hosted by GameServerKings. Bow wow nasty Unicorn Dropper Bottles 60mlml Mock-up. If it takes you less than 30 seconds to submit a post, chances are it qualifies as "low-effort. No piracy links or requests Discussion of piracy is allowed, however encouraging and giving information on how to pirate the game will not be tolerated. After watching the build, I just really wanted to add my own touch to it and see Kingdom project has been released publicly granted, all the Lets Builds the sections of the map in another world and put that up for download. Yogscastsjin lets build a kingdom map File size: yogscastsjin castle

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English language only, follow the reddiquette and search before posting This is an English speaking community, all non-English posts and comments will be removed.

Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. If it takes you less than 30 seconds cawtle submit a post, chances are it qualifies as "low-effort.

Join our multiplayer server discord! Moderator discretion will be used to determine if there are any legitimately high-effort exceptions to this rule i.

Do not beg for a copy of the game. In the last video he decided to turn it into a survival games map by. No piracy links or requests Discussion of piracy is allowed, however encouraging and giving information on how to pirate the game will not be tolerated.

No memes outside of weekends Memes are allowed only during weekends. After watching the build, I just really wanted to add my own touch to it and see Kingdom project has been released publicly granted, all the Lets Builds the sections of the map in another world and put that up for download.

Posts about achievements you've earned are allowed to a certain point.

Yogscastsjin lets build a kingdom map download

In other words, questions only Re-Logic can answer will be removed. Do not offer to trade for a copy of the game. Our public server is hosted by GameServerKings. Depending upon the severity of the offence a warning or instant ban may be given. I am attempting to build an imposing castle in the overworld, with ideas from pictures on the web, and from Sjin of Yogscast in his Evil Castle Let's Build video.

There are no mods. Submit a new text post. This means a post with yogscastshin sentence in the body is not acceptable. Giveaways are allowed but must follow the rules defined here 8.

Amazing build let's play By Yogscast Sjin :: Terraria Obecné diskuze

Anyone who provides links to pirated copies of the game will be banned immediately, without warning. Mouse over a rule or click here to see a full description of the rules. Want to add to the discussion? Follow the acstle when posting and commenting e. I 'd specify the map was made by you in the description!. Become a Redditor and join one of thousands of communities.

yogscastsjin castle

Homophobia, sexism, racism or any other derogatory language. A Castle we take a look at the main building and back two. No posting about the speculative release of updates and sales of the game Only the developers know when the game will next be updated including date and time and when the game will be on sale including start date and price.

Do not bait people into asking for a copy of the game e.

yogscastsjin castle

Personal attacks, harassment and threats. This map was made dedicated to Yogscast Sjin, as he inspired me with his Let's Build, to want to build more in minecraft, and inspired me to. Moderator discretion will be used to determine which ones are low-effort and which ones are not.


No bad behavior Doxing releasing personal information. Do not include spoilers in the post title. YogscastSjin Would you mind if I were to use your kingdom map in a lets play?. Facing Worlds is on pause unfortunately, yogscastssjin Kingdom is back.

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